Tuesday, August 12, 2008


On the baby update, I can really more this little baby boy move around. I amazed about how quickly I went from thinking I felt something to knowing it's the baby moving. Jason was even able to feel a couple little taps today. I still think he's in disbelief that he really felt what he did.

My goal is to starting picking up my camera more often. So today I started with this picture of a sunflower. I planted these in the spring and they look beautiful now!

The wedding this past weekend went very well. Sarah and BJ know a fun group of people! The bride was beautiful and the reception was entertaining. The reception was complete with fake mustaches and tux t-shirts.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

It's a...

BOY! Jason and I went to our ultrasound today. Of course I forgot the script for the procedure, so we had to wait extra long. It was worth the wait though! The sonogram tech was very nice. Although she did mess with our heads. She asked almost right away if we wanted to know what we were having. She then told us that she waits until the end to look and tell. About half was through she finally said that she would just tell us what the baby was early since it kept "popping up." She started to move down there, but of course the baby decided to do some flips, obscuring the view. I looked at her waiting for her to tell us anyway, but no, she had the chance to measure the legs, so she did that. At this point the suspense was killing me! I was saying things like, "well you did say that it was "popping up" so I think that means it's a boy." She only kept a little smirk on her face. You could tell she enjoyed torturing us! Finally she got to the goods. There it was, as plain as day, scrotum and penis. There was absolutely no doubt about it. He was spread eagle, letting the girl get a good look. The look on Jason's face was priceless. I could tell he was happy with that news.

So the real reason for the sonogram is to ensure that everything is fine. Everything is perfect! I asked her if the baby was ok size because I am not really showing all that much. She, and the doctor, ensured us that the baby was right on track. Yay! That makes me feel much better.

Here are some pictures that they took. I must admit, I think sonogram pictures are just a bit creepy, but very cool. The tech said that when the pictures of the face are taken, it's like the face is pushed against a piece of glass, so it's all smooshed. We also have a VHS tape of a little bit of the sonogram. Now the trick is getting the VHS tape converted to a DVD. Does anyone know how to do that?

My deepest apologies for not including Jess's name on the attendance list of the people who came to Idlewild with us. I am truly losing my mind slowly. Jess, it was very good to see you again!

This is a picture from Brian's wedding. Jason and Brian were chatting it up during some downtime during the ceremony. I LOVE this picture of Jason.

Jason is pickling a "peck" of cucumbers today...to make pickles. Here is the master at work. I asked Jason how he felt about the baby being a boy...look at the cheeser on his face.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Laura and Brian's Wedding

Yesterday was Brian (Jason's Brother) and Laura's wedding. It was a nice affair. Very traditional. The classic bride stuck in parkway traffic (and the dress was in a different car, stuck in even more traffic) all played out fairly well. I did the photographs for it, so I am sure there will be more to see. Due to the ceremony getting kicked off a little late, I had to beg and plead with the people setting up for 6pm mass to let me take a few formals. I thought these people were supposed to be a little more forgiving! (They were not very nice.) Did I mention how BEAUTIFUL Laura was? What a great bride to photograph!