Easton is officially One Month old...(and a few days). Things here are always interesting and changing. I can't say that Easton has any sort of routine yet. Although, I am thankful that at night, even when he does eat every 2 hours, he generally goes right back to sleep.
Easton had his 1 month check-up on Wednesday. Everything was fine, although the pediatrician thought that his heart rate was too fast, his lungs didn't sound quite right, and his abdomen looked a little distended. So, the pediatrician sent us to Children's Hospital. After a battery of blood work and an x-ray, everything was fine. It's just the way Easton is. The pediatrician almost gave us all a heart attack, but we are happy he is fine.
Easton is 11lbs 12oz and 22.5inches. Jason and I thought that his height was a little off being that his feet are so tight at the end of a lot of his clothes. We remeasured him when we got home and got 23inches, which is probably a little more on target.
Well this is going to be an all about Easton entry for now. Jason's Mom, Marsha, is in visiting, so it's back to bed for me!