Jason is 27 today! Yesterday, Jason the baby and I went to Bellefonte, PA. If you are unfamiliar with Bellefonte, it is an old victorian town which just happens to have a good fishing stream that runs through it. Jason went fishing for a few hours during the afternoon and I hung around town with the baby. The baby and I ate lunch at the cafe at the park and then read a book on a bench in the park. Well I read a book, while he slept. We then had a nice dinner at a little restaurant. It was a nice little trip. (Sorry. No pictures. Too lazy.)
Jason insisted on taking the dogs, so I found a dog friendly B&B. http://www.mccaffertyhouse.com/
It was nice to have the option to leave the dogs in the house while we were out. That night, I fed the baby around 2am. Sadie really wanted to go out, so I took the dogs out and they instantly went to the bathroom. We came back in and went back to bed. I heard someone up and about until about 2am. It turns out the man who owns the house took too long of a nap after golf that day and couldn't sleep that night. So I was accustomed to hearing things all through the night. I thought I heard the door to our room shut at 3am. I looked around, thought it was odd and then went back to bed.
I then woke up again around 4:30am to feed Easton. Marabelle kept coming up to me. I then wondered where Sadie was. I looked around the room and I didn't see her. I thought that she was sleeping under the bed, as she sometimes does at home. Nope, no Sadie under the bed. I was thinking to myself, "How could I lose a dog in one room, with the door shut." I decided it was time to wake Jason.
I woke Jason up by saying, "I can't find Sadie." He sat straight up in bed. He then started flailing all 4 extremities as if he was looking for her wildly in the sheets for her. He then thought that she could have gone on the roof and possibly jumped off, since I had opened the window more at 2am. In his underwear, he climbed out onto the roof of the porch (you can see it on the picture on the website). No Sadie. I decided that I should check outside.
I opened our door to the room and stepped outside. I noticed that the floor right outside the room was really warm. I then called for her one more time. She came running. Apparently the warm spot was where she had been lying outside our door. She probably got up and started to search for other ways to get back into the room when she heard us looking for her.
So how did she get outside the door? Did I not shut the door all the way when I let them out at 2am? Did someone open our door and let her out? How did the door get shut again? Did the wind from the window shut the door? We may never know...