Is he not the cutest?

He was trying to catch a glimpse of the fishies.

Proud mama with her baby.

You may be wondering why this blog is titled "Zoo and AMEX." Well, I feel as if I should plug American Express. Jason and I have had this credit card for quite some time now. Not only do we get points, for which we have gotten this desk that I am sitting at now and a $500 gift card to Home Depot, but they have always been pretty good. Who can complain? Today after making numerous calls to get our credit card charge refunded from AllCare Dental (NEVER go there) for dental work that we prepaid for, I had no luck. I called my Dad to ask why I should do. He suggested filing a complaint with American Express against AllCare for fraud. It worked! I five minute phone call and everything was taken care of. I only wish I would have called them 2 hours sooner.
Got to go. The babies awake