As usual, it has been a bit crazy around here. The most exciting news is the birth of Easton's new cousin, Elizabeth Rose "Izzy". She was born on July 28th, weighed 8lbs 4oz and 20.5in. She seems so much smaller than Easton was. She is a little smaller than Easton, but I think I have forgotten how small newborns are.
Yesterday, the crew came over and I took some pictures of the new addition. Big sister Autumn is so proud! The other day she came up to me and said, "This is my little sister. Isn't she cute?" It was very sweet.

Easton thought that Izzy was very cute as well. He stared at her for quite some time.

He is becoming such a big boy. The other day when I was filling his tub, I went into his room and got his washcloth while he was in the bathroom. I came back in to find him standing at the tub, watching the water. He must have pulled himself up while I left the room. He crawls around, slowly but surely. It's become a game to see how fast I can babyproof the house. He also has been saying "da-da". It doesn't mean much yet, being that he'll say it at random times and now when he sees his dad. Everyday there is something new that he is doing. He's such a sweetheart.