I called Jason on the way home to tell him I wasn't going to wait for her there, I would be coming home for a couple hours. He asked me, with excitement, "Are they going to groom her like a Wheaton." I had to tuck my tail and say no, "I told them to shave her." I then went on to explain that she had too many mats to do that.
I returned after the designated time to pick her up. At this groomers, there is a window into the back where they do the grooming. All I could see were mounds and mounds of Sadie's hair on the floor. Then I caught glimpse of Sadie's collar (I haven't actually seen her collar since we bought it because the hair always covered it up, but I recognized it because it matches Marabelle's). I don't think I would have recognized her if I hadn't seen the collar. They let her out of her crate and she was very excited to see me. She is so so soft and very cute.
I stopped by Jason's work to show him Sadie's new look. He admitted that he was a little freaked out by how different she looked (the truth is, so was I.) For a moment I had thoughts that maybe it wasn't the same dog, when I picked her up. I dismissed these thoughts quickly. Jason on the other hand, made Sadie go through her tricks. Sit (she sat), Down (she laid down), Shake (she shoke)...wait a second, most dogs can do this without a problem. Then, Be A Ballerina (she delightfully spun). It IS Sadie!
The moral: Hair grows.

Still no word on the house. We'll keep you updated on that end too.
1 comment:
o your dog is nice
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