The elk rack looked a little silly above the tree, so Jason wrapped it in lights. I think it looks fun!

I came home from work on Sunday to find this awesome fireplace setup. What a surprise! I think it is sweet. Jason even bought the baby his own stocking.

It's official, the baby is full-term! He is still moving like crazy (especially right now!) At the doctors yesterday, she offered to induce me next weekend, if we wanted to. Convenience is really the only reason (and I am so uncomfortable). Apparently my cervix is softened and dilated enough for induction to be an option. As much as I feel that I am cheating the system/nature, it is so nice to know that there is a definite end date! We can't wait to meet the little stinka!

1 comment:
WOW Nellie! I can't believe you're full term already!!!! We are soooo excited for you and Jason! So...if I read correctly are you going to induce? If so, when??? Sending that big belly and even bigger hug! :)
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