No one likes a post without a picture, so here's Easton in his swing. He loves this thing! He is definitely into movement (except for the car, curiously enough).

This past week has been very trying. Jason got a bad case of strep (I think. We are still waiting for the culture to come back). He finally got on some antibiotics and is just now starting to feel better after an entire week! Poor guy.
So, that left me on baby duty all by myself. I do have to say that Easton gets better everyday. He sits by himself a little bit longer, and falls asleep occasionally by himself. I have come to the realization that I really do need to relax. After reading baby books and all the advice people are constantly offering, it's hard to decide what is right. I am constantly wondering if I am going to set us up for hardship later on if I do something wrong now. For example, I feel like if I don't put him down awake for his nap, then he will never take a nap by himself. Well, there are times that he ABSOLUTELY will not sleep unless you are holding him or swinging in his swing (despite being obviously tired). At this point, I say SCREW IT! Don't get me wrong. I am not going soft, I am just trying to survive.
Even though he is doing a lot better during the day, he is up constantly at night. In an effort to get him to sleep a little longer (like his formula fed pals) I mixed half formula with some breast milk and gave him a bottle on Tuesday night (or at least I think it was Tuesday). Three hours later I went to get him because he was crying and to my surprise he was soaked. I picked him up, and then I became soaked. I then realized the cause of his wetness was throw-up. He kept throwing up (all over me) until it turned into green mucous. (It was very gross.) So, I chalked it up to a post-nasal drip and swallowing phlegm. After a while his stomach did end up calming down and he got back to normal.
Take 2: Lets try the formula/breast milk again. I gave him 3 ounces at 10:30PM last night. At midnight, it ALL came back up over 2 hours. So apparently, it is not a post-nasal drip, it's the formula. This is especially curious because he had been on formula for 36 hours after we came home from the NICU (in an effort to excrete some more bilirubin). So, my efforts left me way more sleepless than it would have if I just would have stuck with the normal routine. I can't win!
On a positive note, I can't wait to go to Florida with some friends from work. They are going to get a good dose of birth control over 4 days. I am just excited to get outside, see the light of day and have 8 extra hands to help out. I am counting down the days!
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