Now, for what you probably really want to know about...Easton. He is such a good little boy. Naps are still a bit shotty, but I can't complain. He goes to be around 7:30 at night and wakes up at 4/5am for a bottle and then sleeps until 7am. Compared to the first few months, this is a cake walk. He plays all day. He is really into his toys and is so interactive now. He loves to point and explore.
He has a couple of bottom teeth. And you would think by the amount of drool that his top teeth would be here by now. They are taking their sweet time.

A packaging tube recently came in the mail with a delivery. He thinks it is the best thing ever. The view from my end of the tube is precious.

And for the big news, Easton took a few steps yesterday. I was actually sitting on the floor taking the above pictures and Jason came home. Jason sat on the floor. Easton had himself standing, holding onto my knee, and then he just let go and walked to Jason. I just happened to catch it with the camera.

We can't wait to see Easton walk! He's getting so big.
Awesome pictures! Daddy does look very excited! Can't wait to see and hug Easton to death again!
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