Jason and I were out cutting grass this morning during Easton's nap time. It's actually a nice break for me to get out of the house and get some sun. It also helps Jason get the yard done much quicker. Easton LOVES to sleep to the sound of the tractors. We go right past the stroller and he doesn't even flinch. As you can see, we park the stroller under the tree and go to work. You can see the raspberries, blackberries and grapes in the background. Or rather, you can see the blue tubes that go around the berries and grapes. Apparently the blue light increases growth by quite a bit. So not only do they protect them from the ravenous deer, they help them grow!

In the far backyard, it gets wet very easily (close to where Easton's stroller is parked in the above picture). Jason has come to conclude that there is a stream not too far below ground level. This is odd, being that the backyard is all hill. We know (because the neighbors told us) that they put in a drain for this water, that runs through our property somewhere. Anyway, I was raking the grass and I caught a crawfish. Not just any crawfish, a blue one (you can't see the color too well in this picture). I never knew they could be blue.

The crawfish come out of these holes in the yard. Jason said that he dropped a rock down one the other day and could hear a splash. He estimated that the water table was a close 6 inches away! Today we couldn't hear anything. I am sure it fluctuates a good bit with the rain.

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