Easton is 5 Months Old (yesterday)! At his doctors appointment last week he was 17 lbs 8 oz and 27 inches long (80% and 90%). Poor Horton doesn't stand a chance against him any more. Easton can sit up much taller, but I didn't want him to topple forward, so here he is, slouched over in all his glory.

Easton is grabbing for everything these days. He gets this crazed look in his eyes and does this Frankenstein reach for whatever he is after. The funniest is when we are on the phone and he tries to grab it. It's hard to dodge those little grippers.

Easton has been a rolling over maniac lately. The last 3 times I have gotten him out of his crib, he has been on his stomach looking up at me (he goes down on his back). It is so cute!

He does spend a lot of time in this position. It takes him a couple seconds of aggravation to get his arm out from under him. He is getting much better at it though. He has yet to do the belly to back roll yet.

I have to admit, I am 25 years old today. Jason brought me breakfast in bed, complete with a mimosa and a birthday card. We planted our flowers and herbs this morning. Jason was able to get off of work, but is going to go to the Penguins game. It's not everyday you get offered play-off tickets. I am going to take Easton to my parents for dinner and stay overnight. It has been a good day.
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